Taivaassa on uusi enkeli
Minun maailmastani tuli yöllä yksinäisempi ja sydämmestäni lähti jälleen palanen. Rakas ystäväni Darsih hävisi taistelunsa pitkään jatkunutta sairautta vastaan. Koska Darsih oli amerikkalainen, kirjoitan seuraavan englanniksi. We meet strangers every day. Most of them stay strangers to us, some of then will just be passing through our lives, but some of them, just a few, become our friends and sometimes even our family. We often recognize them right away and only need some few minutes to know that they will be a part of our life's journey. It's the first hello, the first smile, the first look into their eyes - and we just know. I've actually learned, that people who reject you for a long time, but become friendly when they need something, are not the ones you should let into your life. You should trust the first meeting - always. You do recognize good friends the first time you meet them - that's just the way it is. Well, Darsih....I remeber meeting you. ...